Thermal Testing of Hexyoo Scientific Gel Products
Mike Holmes, Neuromechanics and Ergonomics Lab
University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Oshawa, ON, Canada
NewCo Team: Bob Macmillian, Peter Davidson, Kris Edwards, Jason Thomson, Ross Libbey
- To quantify the change in temperature of various Hexyoo Gel products when exposed to hot and cold environments.
- To determine the Gel’s ability to transfer hot/cold to participant.
Test 1:
- Control condition: temperature of the product at room temperature (blue bars)
- Testing: temperature of the product after 5 minutes at body temperature (orange bars)
- Opus 8185 increased temperature the most; Foam product increased the least
- Opus 84 was removed from freezer at same temperature as Ice
Test 2:
Thermal response of the Opus 84 after removal from freezer for 85 minutes sitting at room temperature.
Test 3:
Post 5 minute body temperature test, the follow graph documents the time to return each product to room temperature.
Test 4:
- Opus 8185 removed from freezer and placed on participants knee for 5 minutes
- Recording of skin surface temperature