Evaluation of Hexyoo Scientific Gel Products as a means to reduce whole body and hand-arm vibration exposure
- Exposure to vibration (whole body and hand-arm) is a significant work-related mechanism of injury
Purpose: To determine how Hexyoo Scientific Gel can reduce overall vibration exposure (whole body vibration and hand arm vibration) to participants during simulated truck driving and power tool use.
Using wireless accelerometers, we will test the vibration dampening properties of our gel products during hand arm vibration in power tool use. Accelerometers will be placed on the hands and the power tool while participants perform a simulated power tool task. The task will be performed while using anti-vibration gloves and wraps that can be applied to the handle of the power tool. Using ISO standards for the correct processing and reporting of vibration, we will be able to evaluate how well our products dampen vibration exposure.
UOIT has a truck driving simulator that rests on a motion platform. The platform can be used to simulate vibration exposure during truck driving. We will measure whole body vibration and vibration transmitted to the floor, seat and wheel during simulated driving experiments.

Example of the UOIT Virage Simulation truck driving simulator
Wireless Accelerometers used to measure vibration exposure